CLS, a long-term operational partner
Our goal is to have our clients view CLS as their oceanography department. This strategy is unique in that we look to partner with our clients in an effort to help optimize their activities :
CLS data user communities have access to including help desk services and training:
- Expertise of engineers and doctors in oceanography, remote sensing , hydrology, modeling
- Reactive and dedicated service desk, with technicians and engineers with a real knowledge of the data, their processing, users and services on line, and also experts in house for the more technical questions
- Ability to provide clients with data tailored for their needs and additional services
- Unified, easy-to-use, access to a very wide range of data, all quality-controlled and proven in different contexts.
- High performance delivery as CLS has an infrastructure sized for operational activities with 4 high tech data centers and operational rooms to monitor up to 24/7 our services.
- A responsible commitment leading to a strong client trust and loyalty
Discover INDESO, case study
Dedicated service desk activities

- Informative and operational Communication (newsletters, notifications, …)
- Documentation on products and activities (handbook, web, poster)
- Website creation and animation
- Workshop/seminar contribution, animation and organization
- Training organization and animation
- Statistical analysis on the data uses and users
- Billing process services
- A unique mail to reply to the user questions